Christian Education
Our Committment
Thomas Missions is committed to the progress of Christian education, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, which promotes the growth and development of Christ-followers who, driven by heartfelt love for God, live as global agents of change.
Teaching is more than the presentation of facts, concepts and skills. It is helping students to acquire the skills to gain knowledge, teaching students how to think and reason, and preparing them to be lifelong learners. Teachers inspire students to desire to know more about God and His creation.
Our teaching strategy is an integral part in the discipling process of children which produces Christ following stewards who seek to love God and neighbor. Education of students is a holistic process of mental, physical, social and spiritual development with the goal that students will:
Acquire sufficient knowledge and skills to reach their full potential
Develop a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ in becoming active disciples
Think critically from a Biblical perspective
Apply what they have learned in service to God and humankind.

“There can be, therefore, no true education without moral culture, and no true moral culture without Christianity”
― R.L. Dabney (1820-1898)
Teaching from a
Biblical Worldview Perspective
A worldview are the presuppositions, assumptions, or framework through which we interpret reality. Everyone has a worldview.
A Biblical worldview is seeing and interpreting all of life through the truth of Scripture.
1. Teach children that God is the source of all truth and that His Word, the Bible, is truth.
2. Teach children a biblical understanding of God’s nature and character.
3. Teach children that biblical truth is relevant to everything in life.
4. Teach children to evaluate all things through the truth of Scripture: Biblical discernment.
5. Teach children the enlightening and transforming truth of the Gospel.
6. Teach children that a biblical worldview is meant to point them to true, lasting joy.
7. Teach children to boldly proclaim God’s truth in a spirit of humility.
We are dedicated to integrating the truth of God and His connection to the subjects that we teach.

Campus Life