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Changing perspective, changing lives

“Go and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey all

that I have commanded you”. 

Matthew 28



We moved to Nicaragua in 2013 to serve God as missionaries. Due to ongoing, violent civil unrest, we made the difficult decision in May 2018 to leave our home, ministry, and friends in Nicaragua and have relocated our ministry to Missouri. For five years we taught, discipled, mentored, and invested into the lives of the students and community we served.  Our work centered on Nicaragua Christian Academy International (NCAI) and International Christian Fellowship (ICF).

As missionary teachers at NCAI, we formed active disciples of Jesus Christ, equipped to impact society through the development of their spiritual discernment, moral courage and academic excellence. 

Through a Christian education, we presented a Biblical world-view that connected God with the disciplines that we taught which brings hope to individuals and positive transformation to societies. We were a student’s primary mentor: role model, counselor, coach, Bible study leader, chauffeur, and friend. Additionally, we equipped students for future careers and positions of leadership to impact their country and the nations for Christ. 

Latest News

In the Face of Deadly Protests

April 26, 2018

April 19, 2018 the government of Nicaragua raised Social Security taxes and decreased benefits. This became the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back, resulting in massive country-wide protests, violence and deaths. Protests raged on for five days and brought the country to a halt multiple times, especially during this past weekend. School closed early last Thursday.

Although many of the protests were peaceful, they became violent either through mob mentalities or opposition retaliation. Managua and many other regions of the country saw several of our giant metallic trees come tumbling down, government and police buildings burned, and ...Keep Reading

​Escuela Vocacional

Highlighting a Ministry in Nicaragua

Escuela Vocacional

Building Community through Vocational Education


Introduction and Mission


The mission of Escuela Vocacional (ESVO) is to help young people in Nicaragua recognize and value work and vocation and then apply that to their lives. Dave Boone, the executive director of ESVO, believes “that work and vocation are a calling and gift from God to us. We are supposed to develop these gifts and talents that he has given us and apply them in our lives so that we can take care of ourselves, our families, our neighbors, and the community beyond” (D. Boone, personal communication, February 1, 2017) ...Keep Reading

2017 MIMA Christmas Party

We have been honored to work with the children of MIMA, a women’s ministry run by Jeaneth, a Nicaraguan woman who responded to a need in her neighborhood. Children in her barrio often end up on the streets, working as drug dealers or prostitutes. Our SERVE students have partnered with her to teach life skills, English, and computer skills to these children and give them a chance to earn a job and not enter a life on the ...Keep Reading 

Art in the Barrio

Thomas Missions works to provide children that have never experienced art with a creative experience that is used as a bridge to the gospel.

Why art? Art is not defined by any one language, culture, age, or class. It's a way to bridge gaps that exist in society to reach kids for the gospel of Jesus Christ. In the broader sense of the term, art is a powerful teaching tool to reach out, to spread the gospel, build relationships, to heal and to rehabilitate, when words are just not enough. ...Keep Reading

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